Last season, in the spring of 2020, after the Covid reopening, the initial reservations for pass holders were selling out in under 60 seconds.

For the final few weeks of the season, I tried 7 times to make reservations, right at the stroke of the clock, and was successful only twice.

To make up for that turmoil, they offered everyone a $100 discount for this year. Not much, but better than nothing, tand he whole world is in crisis. Fine.

My wife and I both bought Fusion passes again this year, despite her better judgement.  I bought my 2021 pass on day one, with my wife caving in a few days later, because the discount was going to expire.

This morning at 11am the time came for make reservations for the first day, 3 days from now, and my wife tried, telling me the site wouldn’t load. Then I started, from my phone then from a laptop, and sure enough, the timberline website was crashing, I’m guessing due to the “overwhelming” traffic of a few thousand visits.

Looking at their Facebook page, I found a video showing “How to make Reservations”, and in the video they showed this website –  and from there, I was able to see two options.

The first option, for passholders, was “Sold Out” – so I was curious to see if I could BUY tickets, and I could. What?!?  I couldn’t believe that was right, so went to a PC, checked again, that was correct. 

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